This week I went to cardio class after work at our work gym. We have a "new" instructor, Carmen. She's actually not new to us. She used to teach us two years ago, before she moved to Arizona. She's moved back, and in the meantime our previous instructor Linda could no longer teach us due to scheduling conflicts with her real job, so Carmen came back. Carmen kicks our butts! She's in her mid to late forties, stocky, but she a little combustible package of energy and just keeps going and going! All my workout buddies agree that when Carmen used to teach us, our bodies were more toned. So looking forward to the hard work and results, I guess. Ha ha.
Our photo proofs from Tara Whitney finally came back! We're so happy with the photos! Lots of them turned out awesome, in our opinion. Here's a link to our client gallery if you're interested. If you like them or have favorite ones, please leave a comment here on my blog or email me. Would love to hear which ones are your favorites. Our favs are #7, 13, 18, 25, and 33. There are lots of other good ones, but if I had to pick only 5, those are them.
Last night Todd played with Kim Divine at Hot Java Cafe. I'll post pics when I've had a chance to go over them.
I scrapped a few more pages this week. The first three are pics from when we went to hang out in Del Mar for lunch. The 4th page is from our Kauai trip in '03.

Nice pictures, nicely done. I like #43 and #61 makes me giggle.