On this last day of 2008, it's time to reflect on what happened this year, and what it all means to me. :: Putting on my pensive face::
I really got into scrapbooking hardcore this year. I made 270 pages in total, which surprised even me. That's a lot of time spent in front of the computer! But one thing I am VERY thankful for is the online friends I've made this year because of digital scrapbooking, and how some of them have truly become real life friends. Before this year, I've never really thought that I could make friends with people online... I mean, isn't that a little creepy? Turns out that's not true at all. I'm thankful for the friendships with the girls at Pixel Gypsy Designs, and also very thankful for my witty, honest, and very funny friend Peppermint. I chat with these friends almost on a daily basis. I KNOW their families and their lives as well as a friend I could have living next door. That's what keeps me doing the things I do in the digi-community, because of these wonderful people. :)
On the fitness and weight-loss front, I was kind of at a standstill. I started gaining weight after my mom passed away (Feb 2007). So far I'm up about 12-15 lbs. I'm not FAT by any stretch of the imagination, but I want to weigh between 115-118 lbs again. For my height (5'3") and how I want my body to perform and feel, that's the weight range for me. I ran my fastest 5K when I was around 115 lbs. Running was MUCH easier at that weight. I tried losing weight this year by joining The Daily Plate and keeping track of my calorie intake. That worked for a while, but I put the weight back on in Nov/Dec. ;p Also, I'm fairly certain that being on Paxil for the first half of this year didn't help on the weight-loss and exercise front. The medication made me lethargic. I'm happy that I'm off the medication now and I haven't had any panic/anxiety attacks for a year and a half now. I weaned off the medication in June, it was difficult but totally worth it. I hope to get back to my prime running form in 2009, join a group, run a couple of races, and get back in shape physically and cardiovascularly.
I didn't read as many books as I wanted to this year. I think scrapbooking took up most of my free time. Peppermint introduced me to Emily Giffin books and Janet Evanovich books. I also finished up Freakonomics, which was entertaining and thought-provoking. Picked up Case Histories by Kate Atkinson from Costco and read it in a weekend. Terrific narrative mystery novel. I'm going to try to read more in 2009, because I really do enjoy it and want to make more time for it.
From a spiritual perspective, I feel like time stood still for me this year. I'll be honest and say that I just haven't drawn myself close to God since my mom died. I didn't do this on purpose, it just happened, and I let it happen. I didn't show up at the church building regularly on Sundays. We would watch church on the internet sometimes, but even then it wasn't on a regular basis. I do feel the void, I do. I wouldn't say that I'm exactly angry at God. But my mom passing away when I prayed so hard for her healing really put a barrier up between me and God. I want to be close again, but it'll take some work on my part. If you're an evangelical Christian, or my friend, please pray that I'll make my way closer to my Jesus in 2009.
Emotionally/socially, I was a little lacking again. I didn't spend as much time doing things with my friends as I had in previous years. I have a tendency to be a hermit if nobody takes the initiative with me. So for that, I'm thankful to my friend Sally (whom I've been friends with since I was 12 years old!), who I can always count on to call me and make plans to do something together. I didn't spend as much time with our friends AJ & Meera as I wanted to either. It's something that I would like to change in 2009.
I made this fun layout as a tribute to a wonderful 2008. As you can imagine it took a few hours, but it was worth it. Below it is my last LIST of 2008 - made of all the fantastic-ness that was this year.
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- Jan 7 - we had some friends over to our house to watch the BCS National Championship game , the Buckeyes vs LSU. Todd made blueberry cream cheese cupcakes and fun was had by all. Except the Buckeyes. They lost.
- Jan 18 - my friend Barbara's friends organized a surprise birthday party for her. It was quite an enchanting evening as we helped Barbara celebrate her 31st birthday.
- Jan 19 - got our photos taken by the fabulous photographer Melissa Koehler.
- Feb 2 - our next door neighbors Fred & Annie had a coffee party, with Elvis Presley as the theme!
- Feb 5 - Todd's birthday. Todd's parents Tim & Sylvia were here from Ohio to help celebrate. Sylvia made a strawberry whipped cream cake and we all played sports on the Wii.
- Feb 9 - met up with our friends AJ & Meera (& little Andon) at Lou's Records in Encinitas to hear Jon Forman (of Switchfoot) sing and sign his new solo record. Afterwards went to Pannikin Cafe for dessert and tea.
- Feb 14 - a bittersweet Valentine's Day for me as I came to grips with the one year anniversary of my mom going to heaven.
- Mar 1 - my dad & Shelly got married and had a banquet. Joyce flew in from Dallas to attend.
- Mar 8 - attended Todd's friends Jessica and Kurt's wedding reception in downtown SD.
- Mar 11 - my birthday. Went to Nine-Ten Restaurant in La Jolla for dinner, where I had a spectacular lobster salad.
- Mar 15 - went to Heaven Sent Desserts in North Park and had a seriously SPICY jalapeno chocolate mousse! My mouth was overwhelmed by the senses.
- Mar 28 - went to an all-girls karaoke March birthday party at Patsy's house. Fun was had by all.
- Apr 1 - got my very first speeding ticket ever, and it cost me dearly. Unfortunately it wasn't an April Fool's joke.
- Apr 5 - we went to Huntington Beach for the weekend, just to get away to some place we've never been.
- Apr 12 - a very hot weekend as San Diego's temps reached into the 90's. Went running at the coast, had Bongiornos pizza for lunch (one of many times this year), had afternoon desserts with Sally @ Heaven Sent Desserts, and dinner with Sally at Ranchos Mexican in North Park. Afterwards we walked around the art galleries at Ray At Night.
- May 10 - the first of many photo shoots featuring ourselves and a tripod. We have many good photos of us that I scrapped this year, all because of the trusty tripod.
- May 11 - had my second Mother's Day without my mom.
- May 14 - went to Japengo for dinner with Todd, because I was awarded a Night On The Town from work for a project I worked on. Todd loved the tempura banana dessert.
- May 17 - one of many photos of Todd about to devour food. Photoshoot in Balboa Park, with our tripod again.
- May 26 - had Sally and our neighbors Fred & Annie over for Memorial Day luncheon.
- May 29 - one of our many runs/skates at Miramar Lake.
- Jun 23 - dinner at the Marine Room in Ja Jolla, to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary.
- Jun 24 - went to San Francisco for a few days and did many fun things.
- Jul - mid - Todd went to the UK for the first time for work, and had many adventures.
- Jul 26 - went to LA to celebrate Dad's birthday. His friends had a potluck party for him.
- Aug 3 - Todd made me homemade Belgian waffles for breakfast, on our new waffle maker.
- Aug 8 - went to Napa Valley for my friend Minnie's wedding to Mike. The wedding was spectacular! It was beautiful there and we enjoyed touring the wineries, even though we're not big wine fans.
- Aug 15 - went to the horse races in Del Mar for the first time ever, even though we've been living in San Diego since 2000. Todd's company had an outing there and we ate some food but didn't bet on any horses. People thought we were weird.
- Aug 16 - went to sushi at Nozomi with Sally.
- Aug 23 - went to The Linkery in North Park for a sausage lunch, but wasn't impressed. Met Sally down the street from there at Heaven Sent Desserts for latte and cake, which were more impressive.
- Aug 31 - went to a Padres game at Petco Park with Sally & Brian. It was way fun and we had Mama's Lebanese for lunch!
- Sep 13 - went to the Ohio State game vs. USC at LA Memorial Coliseum. The Trojans blew out the Buckeyes and deflated our hopes for another shot at the National Championship. Todd's parents Tim & Sylvia came all the way from Ohio for this! Also got to meet up with some old friends Chris & Tim, and the Townsends (all from NCR Dayton days). Tim & Sylvia had Japanese food for the first time. And I have a photo to prove it.
- Sep 17 - Taste of Downtown - we ate lots of food at different restaurants. Enough said.
- Sep 20 - tripod photoshoot in Encinitas. Got some great shots of the two of us, which I used throughout the year in my digi scrapbook pages.
- Oct 4 - Buckeyes played football against Wisconsin and we had a party at our house. I met Anne and Gilbert for the first time and liked them immediately. Sally & Brian, and AJ & Meera came too. We made chili and apple cinnamon cream cheese cake, and Anne made corn bread. Sure was fun to have friends over.
- Oct 12 - went to the Naked Cafe in Solana Beach for breakfast. They specialize in natural and organic foods, and it was great. Walked on the beach afterwards. In late afternoon, just as the Chargers started to play a nationally televised Sunday night game, and we started making crabcakes for dinner (for the first time ever), Todd accidentally cut his finger while chopping and I had to take him to urgent care. He and his finger turned out okay after a few weeks of healing.
- Oct 26 - went to Sally & Brian's for an authentic homemade British breakfast of Scottish egg, baked beans, potatoes, hot dog, and English muffin. What was the occasion? The Chargers played the New Orleans Saints in London. Brian's parents Terry & Susan were there too, and a good time was had by all. Until the Chargers lost.
- Nov 1 - went to Anne & Gilbert's house for dinner & a movie.
- Nov 15 - the start of our fantastic and unforgettable one week vacation to Big Island, Hawaii, where we relaxed, boogie-boarded, stargazed at 13,796 ft high, had lots of great food, hiked through a rainforest to get to a volcano, kayaked two miles and snorkeled at a reef, and watched the Buckeyes slap the Wolverines silly.
- Nov 27 - spent Thanksgiving with my dad up in Diamond Bar, where we had lunch at Chino Buffet. Todd and I carted our old 32" tube TV and rather large entertainment center up there and set it up for my dad. We had fun together.
- Nov 28 - a rare opportunity to visit some meerkats in Morongo Valley.
- Dec 5 - Todd's parents Tim & Sylvia came to visit for an early Christmas. Tim ate Vietnamese food for the first time (no pics this time though). We went to the beach at Encinitas. We went Christmas shopping. We chatted. Fun times!
- Dec 13 - spent a few days in Dallas with my sister Joyce and her family.
- Dec 21 - got my very first REAL Christmas tree.
- Dec 25 - we elfed ourselves and had Christmas dinner with Sally & her family at her house.
- Dec 27 - attempted ice skating with an ocean view.
- Dec 28 - went to the Chargers tailgate party, where later they beat the Broncos for the AFC West title.
- Dec 30 - went to the Holiday Bowl.