Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cake for Breakfast

We had a really good weekend spending time doing what we love best, with each other and with good friends. ::smile:: The weather wasn't the best for San Diego. It was overcast and cloudy, and actually kind of cold, with highs in the low 60's. But we can't complain as we have year-round great weather, so this little glitch was alright with us. I had cake for breakfast this morning! So bad I know, but it was sitting there on the counter calling my name. Our next door neighbor Annie made it and brought it over for our get-together lunch yesterday. It's chocolate with light chocolate frosting and caramel sauce. Inside has cherries. Yum! Sally came over yesterday too, and it was so great to see her. I hadn't seen her in almost a month it seems. Dad finally made it home from Europe on Saturday. He went to France and various cities in Italy, plus Monaco. I'm going to visit him this weekend and check out his photos. I did get a chance to work out some this weekend. I walked a lot. I got to go to the beach and take a walk on Saturday, plus have Bongiornos pizza! I watched Grey's Anatomy. I am a couple of episodes from the season finale. I also watched Juno. What a great movie! I cried and cried, although I think I might have been extra-emotional due to the fact that I am off my medication that I've been on for a year, after my panic attacks. I'm still getting used to being off the meds. It does seem like I feel the highs and lows a little more, but we'll see. It's back to work Tuesday today. I've got stuff to do for work, plus some bills to pay.


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