Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day of Remembrance

Photo today: Photobucket Today's the 2nd anniversary of my mom going to heaven. I still can't bring myself to really celebrate Valentine's Day. I cried a little bit as my dad said a prayer by her earthly resting place. My mom served the Lord her whole life. When she graduated from college she joined Campus Evangelical Fellowship in Taiwan, where she ministered to many college kids on campuses, and led Bible studies. After my parents got married, they both served on staff with Campus Evangelical Fellowship. Then we moved to the U.S. and my dad went to seminary. Then he became a pastor, so my mom was a pastor's wife for the rest of her life. She really loved the Lord and chose to spend her whole life serving Him. I'm certain that she ran the good race and got a "well done" from God when she got to heaven.


  1. Christine, you were in my thoughts today. ((hugs))

  2. Hello there... I got an award for you....
    The Look How Cool Blog Award!!!

    Love Always,
    My Simple Thoughts N Creations
    My PhotoBlog

  3. Christine,
    May you feel God's loving arms holding you especially close this week. I look forward to meeting your Mom one day!

  4. Many, many hugs to you Christine! You're mom would definitely be so proud of you.

  5. Hugs to you, Christine!!!

  6. From what I have read from your blog, you are a very strong woman and I admire that. Beautiful picture ;-)

  7. Hugs Christine! I still have a few tears in my eyes.

  8. Hugs, Christine!

    Thank you for sharing about your mom. What a legacy and example she left for you! I got chills when I read the "well done" part - that's the greatest accomplishment of all! And I am sure she is very proud of you!


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