and why I love NPR (National Public Radio).
During my 15 minute drives to work and back, I listen to NPR. I am always mesmerized by how NPR takes me away to distant lands, educates me about new books I'm dying to read, and just generally makes me a better citizen of the world. Today I heard an interview with the actor Gabriel Byrne on "Fresh Air". It was very interesting. He grew up in Ireland and was going to be a priest. He had some interesting things to say, but all I could think of when I was listening was, "Gabriel Byrne sounds like Shrek!" I've linked the interview, so you can listen and see if you think he sounds like Shrek too.
At lunch today, I went to Target to return the fat scale. We decided it was very inaccurate and inconsistent. The first time I stepped on it, it told me I was 23.5% fat. Then a few days later, it kept telling me I was 5.3% fat. REALLY??? I had no idea my weight training at the gym worked instantaneously like that! Wow! Anyways, I returned the scale and got a Jodi Picoult book. Isn't Target evil like that? I've never read any of Jodi Picoult's books, so I'm curious to see why they're so popular. I picked up "Nineteen Minutes". Has anyone read it? I also just got a Bible study book by Beth Moore called "Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman". My web friend Becky went through the study with a group of women, and she highly recommends it. I'm looking forward to it.
Today nobody came to the house to work on the remodel. They finished sanding and texturing the drywall yesterday. Today it's dried up and now is looking pretty good!
I made an attempt at a very simple hybrid card today. I bought some blank embossed cards and ran some Colorbox Queue fluid chalk ink over the raised circles. They turned out not so precise and kinda messy, because the ink pad was too soft to run over the barely raised circles. I'm not sure what other kind of coloring tool to use... maybe something harder and less mushy. Anyways, I used CD Muckosky's Happy Dance Alphas and Paislee Press' Hoopla: Oh Happy Day paper for the digital part in the middle, which I printed out on matte photo paper and glued onto the card.
It's hard to believe that today's the last day of April already. I've made it four months into Project 365! One third of the way there! Yaaaaaaaay!
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