Tuesday, July 28, 2009


It's been a busy few days as has been detailed in listgirl's last few posts. So tonight, we took the night off. No cooking, no exercising, no house guests...just us two monkeys. Sometimes that is good for the soul. Well, it's not quite true that there was no cooking. My company's July birthday celebration is tomorrow and several of us are teaming up to supply the baked goodies. I tried a new Banana-Oatmeal cookie recipe. Is there anything better than cookies as far as the eye can see? Photobucket Earlier today (before the relaxing started), it was time to give another speech at Toastmasters. The project was a story with a moral. For quite a while I tried to come up with a story I could use but was stumped. Luckily I had a stroke of brilliance when I realized I could adapt a story from one of my Joe Schwarcz books. Schwarcz is a fantastic writer and his books are compilations of practical science articles. Some are about the history of chemical product development, some are the stories behind nutrition advice you might read in the paper, and some are exposes of various chicanery. I recommend them all most highly. Before the speech, I had another PT session. Not much to report there. My flexibility is improving but my strength is still...not that strong. So I keep on keeping on. But not tonight. See everyone next week!


  1. You'll have buns of steel in no time, I'm sure. But those cookies are going to go straight to your thighs.

  2. I love banana oatmeal cookies...with chocolate chips (not so much with raisins) :D

    They look SUPER :D

  3. The Olympus Stylus 1030 SW is the one I WANT, but the fuji was only $160...and not worth it lol. I have seen the shots from the olympus underwater and out - and it's worth it. Kurt's Finnish cousin brought one on his 1 month vacay to the states and snorkeled with it in HI - and the video and shots were AWESOME :D

  4. Thanks for the cookie recipe! I'm always looking for healthy snacks for the kids...and it's so much cheaper to make them. And...it's so much easier to make them when I ask my oldest daughter to practice her baking skills. :D

    You should post a blog movie of one of your Toastmasters speeches.

    See you next week!

  5. Mmmmm...cookies! I must make those. Or, I could just go down the street to Tracey's and eat hers. :)

    I'm glad y'all took a night off! Rest is good for the soul. Just like cookies.

  6. yummy banana oatmeal cookies - I´ll try the recipe - they are looking so delicious!


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