Monday, October 5, 2009

You Know Where To Find Me

On most nights, this is where you'll find me:


Oh Photoshop, Lightroom, ACDSee, Blogger, and the internet in general: I can't quit you.

I found something nostalgic for me on the intertoobs today. I was over at Bentonflocke's blog commenting on her project 365 photos, when I saw that she took her sons to a movie called "Wickie". It looked like a live-action German version of one of my childhood favorite cartoons, "Vicky the Viking". I watched it in the 70's in Taiwan. Turns out Vicky the Viking is based on a children's book written by Swedish author Runer Jonsson in 1963.  (Erika you know about this character?)

So I found this on Youtube.  Sigh.  I love childhood nostalgia.  Seriously.  Love.


  1. Lol, this is the view Daniel gets of me most evenings too... :) PS, ACDSee and my Opera viewer with Blogger and some Facebook.

    I haven't heard about Runer Jonsson, so I had to look him up on Wikipedia. Unfortunately I don't remember Vicky the Viking or any of his other books either, but I bet that this cartoon has been on Swedish children-TV sometimes during my young years. The clip you have posted looks so cute and funny.

  2. Yep, that's where you'll find me too! Except you have better posture than me and I'm on a laptop.
    Is that an '09 multi-photo template I spy?!? I love, love, love the '08 one. I'm still filling it up!!

  3. ME Too!!! the internet is soo amazing for looking up childhood passions..and actually FINDING it! lol. Anyone else collect and trade Scratch and Sniff stickers? Oh...Ebay you are my friend..but try explaining to your husband WHY you suddenly need to buy a sheet of Pickle smelling stickers? Ahh..b/c the price of childhood is priceless....

  4. I have been spending more nights knitting lately, but I think my kids think I am attached to the computer.

  5. Me too, this is exactly how you will find me every night, except my desk is far messier! I checked out the video and Jared came running immediately, so cute! I haven't watched it in my childhood but the song sounds so familiar! :)

  6. that's where you'll find me, too!

    Thanks for linking back to my blog Christine!

    Yes I love childhood nostalgia and Wickie, too!! And your Vicky the Viking is the same Wickie as mine in my childhood. But I never heard it in your language.


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