Monday, November 16, 2009

The Clutter Battle

My dream one day is to have a clutter-free craft room (well, and the rest of the house too).  My creativity and peace of mind is often hampered by clutter, especially on my desk.  But I haven't found a system that works for me yet.  Or a system that I can stick with.  Maybe I have too many useless things and I just need to sell them or give them away.  Todd IM'ed me an article called "Eleven Myths of Decluttering".  Well, it's a list, so I like it already off the bat.  Also, it speaks to me because of my own clutter.  I'm not a hoarder by any means, but I do have clutter in specific areas of the house. 

When we went to my friend Lara's house the other day, I was amazed at how organized she was, even with two young kids.  She told me that when she lived in Hawaii, she actually had an organization guru come to her house, because she thought she could use the consultation.  That person went through the house with Lara, only to tell her that she doesn't need any organization help!  I totally laughed at that point in her story.  Because that organization guru would probably have a big project plan for me if she came to our house.

I found these cute Christmas tags amongst the clutter in my craft room today.  I totally forgot I had these!


Makes me wonder what other goodies are hiding there that I forgot I had?  :p

Our yummy Korean food and tofu from yesterday inspired us to make Korean-Inspired Sauteed Tofu, along with spinach tonight for dinner.


Todd and I cooked it together and it was really fun.  It doesn't look it, but it is super-yummy.  Love the combination of sesame oil, rice vinegar, garlic, and green onions! 


  1. What a coincidence. I spent Monday with my old next-door neighbor and her infant and clutter was a big conversation over lunch. She and I have an aversion to it, while our respective spouses can't get enough of it. Of course, one nice thing about not de-cluttering often is what you've discovered: things you forgot about but can still use!

  2. I so hear you! LOL I hate that clutter around my working space here... But you know: Organisation is the last refuge of a tired mind ;)
    Oh, and I love the Christmas tags you've found!

  3. It seems like my craft room is either totally clean or looks like a bomb went off! The rest of the house is typically in some state of disarray. Sometimes I feel like I just don't have enough places for stuff, or the right kind of places. Can you post the article?

  4. Hi Ang! The link to the article is in the blog post. Just click on "Eleven Myths of Decluttering". :)

  5. I just finished 'decluttering' the clothes hanging in my closet. Want to know what I found?? 4 maternity dresses! And my 'baby' is five years old!! Good grief.

    I try to keep the clutter at bay, but mostly I live by this old saying "cleaning house while kids are growing is like shoveling snow while it's still snowing!"

    Have a good one.

  6. I often try to sort things out and put papers in nice piles, both on my desk at work and at home. But while working with something and brainstorming, the mess always returns. I think the creative process causes the mess, but I need it clean and nice to start it. And in a strange way I know where stuff are, even when it is really messy. So unfortunately no surprises for me!

  7. these tags are wonderful - and your korean food looks so delicious!


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