Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Project 365 - December Template + a New Set of Templates in the Store

I can't believe that it is mid-December already.  Time has really flown by this year!
I'm still going strong with Project 365...  I can see the finish line now!
I'm excited to present to you the last Project 365 monthly template:  the December one.  Of course, you don't have to use it to scrap your December photos.  You can use it to scrap anything that starts with a "D"!

**Download link no longer available**

I also have the last product release into my Listgirl Designs store for 2009.  This set of two templates lets you put lots of photos, papers and journaling on there.  You can scrap your holidays or even other events during the year!

Template Set #6:  Celebrate!

It is on sale on Thursday 12/10 and Friday 12/11 for 25% off in my store. :) I hope you enjoy scrapping with them!  If you're a newsletter subscriber, you will receive an email with a code for another 10% off.  Hint:  the 10% off code will work for your whole shopping cart, not just the new template set.  So, if you've been eyeing some other things in the store... I'm just sayin'!  :D

I had Vietnamese chicken noodle soup for lunch today.
It really hit the spot because it was cold today! Well, cold as in 55 degrees. :-|


  1. Christine, your templates are the best!! Thank you ;-)

  2. wonderful stuff! Thank you so much!

  3. Many thanks for the templates Christine, they're wonderful! Now I just need to complete my Project 365!

  4. Thanks for the template. I saw your Christmas star layout and was hoping you'd turn it into a template! You've made one of my wishes come true! Thanks. My oldest daughter turns 12 today--lots of celebrating.

  5. The "D" template is awesome!! Thank you. Love the new templates in the store, can't wait to get those too! :)

  6. How excellent, now I have a complete year in review!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing! Your templates are awesome!

  8. Thank you for the freebie!

  9. Hi ... I just recently discovered your blog and I'm really enjoying it. Thanks so much for being very generous with your creations. I love the monthly "letter" templates! It's a great way to summarize a month. I went back and downloaded all the monthly templates for 2009. Again, THANK YOU!!!! But I couldn't find May, June or July. I even checked your store (I would be willing to pay for them!!!) but didn't see them there either. Did you make templates for these three months and if so would you point me to them. Please.

    Deb P

  10. thank you so much - looking forward to using this!

  11. Thanks for the great template!

  12. thanks sooooo much!!

  13. Thank you so much for the template! Last piece. :D

    I'm sorry for being a lousy commenter this week. There has just been lots of stuff to handle, but I will try to go back and leave a note.

    The soup looks delicious. I felt a little cold yesterday, and we had a nice warm soup for dinner. It was perfect!

  14. Yummy soup!

    Thanks so much for the're the best!

    Off to shop in your store :D

  15. Love the new templates. Just purchased them. :) Thanks for the freebie D template. I've been waiting all year for this one. Love Love Love it.

  16. Thanks for the very cool template!

  17. fantastic new templates and thanks for the great freebie!!

    mmmh yummy vietnames chicken noodle soup!!

  18. Thank you SO MUCH for the year's worth of month templates! :)

  19. Just discovered your blog via Simplescrapper. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful templates!


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