It's such a letdown, LOL. Plus all the piled up work and emails just make me wanna crawl back into bed.
Peppermint has been collabbing again. She, along with Mariska of monalisasmiles, put together this beautiful kit called Brand New Day. It's on sale through today (I know, I'm blogging late) for 20% off!

Here's my layout that I made with it, last week, before I left on my trip.

Credits: Brand New Day by One Little Bird and monalisasmiles; Template Set #10: Touch of Whimsy by me, Christine Newman.
I am so inspired by Peppermint's guest blog post today over at Audrey Neal's blog. It is about storytelling. You need to read it here, if you haven't already. Peppermint joined the CT at We Are Storytellers in mid-2008 (the store is now closed). She wasn't sure about being indoctrinated about journaling, but thought she'd give it a try. It's changed her scrapping forever. Her journaled pages are the ones that her son loves the most. I have a similar story too. I made over 300 pages in 2008, but most of them were without journaling or storytelling. When it came time to print them, I didn't find very many that I wanted to print out and look at over and over again. So at the beginning of 2009, I set my goal to scrap less pages, but more meaningful pages with journaling. I'm so glad I did, because my pages mean so much more to me and my family and friends now. I find that my blogging and my scrapping go hand-in-hand. A lot of times my journaling from my pages are copied straight from my blog posts. Tell your story!
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