Sunday, April 25, 2010

Picnic on Coronado Island

We had made tentative plans to have dessert with some friends in the early afternoon today, but the plans fell through. So Todd suddenly got bright-eyed and said to me, "I have an idea! I've been wanting to do this ever since we ran on Coronado and I saw this little park." Turns out, he ran by this little park two months ago, and took a mental note to bring me back there for a picnic. :) The weather here on the weekends hadn't been very nice the last few weeks. But today was perfect for a picnic! The cutest part of this is that Todd had planned ahead because of this picnic idea, and he already had summer sausage and crackers in the pantry, precisely for this occasion. So we packed up our picnic gear, picked up some Subway sandwiches, and headed down to Coronado Island.

Parking is free on the streets on Sunday, yay! The park had a really great view of San Diego.

We ate our Subway sandwiches, and had these crackers with sausage.

A pretty cool tree in the little park.

We brought our tripod for some photos.

Todd took a pretty photo of the flowers in the foreground.

After the picnic, we went over to Orange Avenue's Moo Time ice cream, our favorite ice cream shop in San Diego/Coronado. Yummy caramel ice cream!

I was touched by Todd's thoughtfulness today. I'm really blessed to have a husband who secretly gathers picnic ingredients just so we can go and have a picnic in a little park when the opportunity strikes. He knew it was just what I needed today!


  1. I think Todd deserves an extra big hug for such an act. So happy that you are blessed with him as your husband.

  2. I think Todd needs to start giving Gilbert some tips on how to make your wife extra happy with impromptu picnics and Moo Time ice cream. Love that place!

  3. How sweet!! What a thoughtful husband!!

  4. So sweet! I love the 'Listgirl loves Todd' episodes!

  5. Ha ha, is that like "Joanie Loves Chachi"? wow, I'm really dating myself here...

  6. That is so sweet!! and I love that tree--so cool! that ice cream looks way yummy!


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