A really big palm tree in Balboa Park.

Somebody secretly took a photo of me while I was checking Twitter on my phone.

After Balboa Park, we went to Hillcrest and stopped by Todd's favorite bakery in San Diego, Bread & Cie. But we were horrified to find out that they were out of Todd's favorite brownie! This has NEVER happened before!
Then we walked down the street to eat at the newest Burger Lounge, just opened in Hillcrest. Now we've been to every Burger Lounge except the one in Little Italy!
We shared a burger and a salad. I refrained from the french fries, because I already had too much french fries that week.

After lunch, we stopped by Buffalo Exchange to browse through some pre-owned/vintage clothing. When Todd used to play in a rock band, we used to find some pretty cool clothes for him there.
So while the rest of the country was in a snow-covered blizzard, we took the opportunity to appreciate our unseasonably warm weather.
That burger looks yummy and the weather beautiful.