So on Thursday night they arrived at the airport and we went to pick them up. We got another surprise then! Todd's sister Amy came along as well, and they didn't tell us and kept it a surprise! It was awesome.
On Friday 2/4, Todd took the day off and spent it with his family, while I worked. I couldn't take the day off because it was right after month-end and my busiest time of the accounting month. He went to the zoo with his family, and Balboa Park. They had lunch at Cucina Urbana, which everyone was delighted and had great food. I'll let Todd talk about it on his blog, since I wasn't there.
On Saturday 2/5, Todd's actual birthday, we went for a walk/run on the coast of Encinitas. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and provided the perfect respite from Ohio's cold weather for Todd's family. After the run, we went to try out Bull Taco at the San Elijo campgrounds. We heard great things about it, but haven't had the chance to come eat there!

Tacos with an ocean view! What could be better?

Amy got some duck tacos.

I got lobster with chorizo and bacon taco, and shrimp taco.

After lunch we went home to shower and rest a little bit. Then Todd and his family went to the bike shop so that he could get a "bike fitting". I wasn't there, so I'll let him talk about it on his blog. Apparently, Todd's family thought it was really hilarious, because the guy recommended that Todd should get a custom bike frame because he was "all arms and legs and no torso". Ha ha!
After the bike fitting, they came home to pick me up and we went to The Pantry in Rancho Santa Fe for Todd's birthday dinner. Once again we had never been to this restaurant before, so it was a NEW experience!
Everything was delicious! I think we were all pretty satisfied with our food! :)
Salmon dinner.

Salmon salad.

Todd's steak dinner. That was one large steak!

My shrimp salad.

We shared two desserts. One was fried wontons with apples inside and ice cream.

The other was a brownie ala mode, with caramel sauce.

A group shot of all five of us.

Dinner was Amy's treat for Todd's birthday and it was fantastic!
After dinner we went home and opened up some presents from Todd's family. Todd got a couple of exercise shirts + a new Garmin GPS for his bike.

They even got me a few presents, since my birthday is coming up next month! I guess they wanted to kill a few birds with one stone! :p I got a Nike running shirt, which I really like!

And some Ohio State drink cozys and socks.

Todd's actual birthday was really fun, but the big party was still coming up!
Duck tacos? Oh my.