Monday, April 25, 2011

Sharing Easter with Friends

Yesterday was such a great Easter Sunday.  I woke up before Todd and went downstairs to start my day. But Noodle was being cute and playful, playing with some packaging paper, so I had to take some photos of him.

We went to breakfast at church in San Marcos with AJ and Meera.  After breakfast in the fellowship hall, we walked a few feet into the sanctuary for the Easter service.  It was a combined English/Spanish service, and we got to enjoy lots of worship singing and music, and a great sermon.

After church, AJ and Meera invited us to lunch at their house.

Clockwise from top left:
1)  Todd and AJ and Andon smiling for the camera.
2)  The Easter Bunny dropped off toys and candy for Andon and Keiji.  He left a note that said, "Always remember that Jesus loves you".
3)  Ray's chicken adobo.
4)  Jalapeno and Artichoke dip with crackers.
5)  Meera and Andon.
6)  Baby Keiji eating hands-free!
7)  Meera and I, just the girls.

We always have so much fun with our good friends AJ and Meera.  We were so blessed that they invited us to join them for church and lunch.  I totally enjoyed their company!  :)

We went home for a couple of hours.  Then it was time to go to Dejah and Roby's house for Easter dinner!  Remember last week we watched the first episode of HBO's "Game of Thrones" together at our house?  They invited us for dinner and the 2nd episode viewing at their house. We brought a green bean dish. 

The four of us enjoying dinner and each other's company.

We had an incredible meal. I really thought I was going to explode! :p

Clockwise from top left:
  1. My plate.
  2. Dejah's homemade corn bread.  Yum!
  3. Todd's green beans.
  4. Sauteed kale.
  5. Honeybaked ham.
  6. Wine that Roby picked to go with ham.
  7. Dejah's homemade coleslaw.
  8. Dejah's homemade fresh strawberry crumble with vanilla ice cream.
See what I mean?  Dejah made an incredible meal! I was in a food coma throughout the show.  :-|

The four of us plus Serena the cat, watching the 2nd episode of Game of Thrones.

We were really blessed to be able to spend Easter Sunday with an awesome church service, our favorite friends, and some incredible food. It was a day to remember for sure!


  1. Happy Easter to the both of you. Thanks for sharing your delicious meal and day with all of us.

  2. Happy Easter! Love the food shots and the hands-free baby. What a cutie-pie!!

  3. So glad you guys had a happy Easter.
    I love the pictures and your kitty cat is precious..
    Ok now I am hungry... Be well Gloria

  4. Really glad, you had such wonderful Easter days!!
    Cute noodle and yummy food shots

  5. That photo of Noodle is ADORABLE!!!!! Happy Easter!

  6. I'm late reading this, but it looks like you had an amazing Easter with friends and that meal does look truly delicious, your food photos always leave me feeling hungry. LOL!


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