Monday, April 18, 2011

Soup Club: Exchange #2

I've mentioned on this blog before that Todd is the founding member of a Soup Club. The club consists of Todd and five other women, who are also my friends. He had read about meal exchange clubs, but disliked casseroles. So I suggested that maybe the club can specialize in soups. Everyone makes 5 servings of soup once a month and give it to the other five people. You would leave the soup club exchange with 5 frozen dinner-sized soups and eat it over the next couple of weeks. He had blogged about the first soup club meeting last month.

On Sunday we had our second soup club exchange. This time, I thought, hmm... what can I contribute? So I made Todd some labels for his soup containers.

Some of the ladies said maybe next time I can make everyone some labels, as long as they give me their soup info beforehand!

Everyone getting their soups out.

Lots and lots of soups to exchange!

Todd even researched into the best containers and purchased it for everyone to use (they paid him back). That way everyone has the same containers and you just wash them after you eat the soups and then use it to put your next batch in for the exchange. Todd is brilliant!

Anne, Dejah, and Jennifer.

Todd and Meera, and Helen, Anne's grandmother.

Cassandra wasn't there because her husband Pete was running the La Jolla Half Marathon yesterday morning. BUT she cooked her soup ahead of time and Todd got them from her, since they live close to us.

Another successful Soup Club exchange! Tonight we had Cassandra's "Sara Snow's Spicy Tortilla Soup" and it was yummo! :)


  1. I seriously love the soup club idea and wish I could participate! :)


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