This morning Todd went for a bike ride while I went for a run near our house. I got out there too late and it was sunny, humid, and warm already. After about 1.5 miles, I was feeling good and thought I could go for 4 miles today, but after I warmed up and it got sunnier and sunnier, I lost my energy and settled for 3.26 miles. It was a good neighborhood run and I got my 3 miles in.
After Todd came home, we cleaned ourselves up and went to Vietnamese food for lunch. I got the rice vermicelli with grilled pork and eggrolls, except without noodles. It was yummy!
In the afternoon Todd cooked minestrone soup for next week's Soup Club meeting. Three big pots going at once!

He also made an awesome banana bread from Americas Test Kitchen! It really was so good! Can't wait to have some for breakfast tomorrow!

Other than that, I did a bunch of laundry and once again Sunday night is here and we're off to work tomorrow. BUT I am taking a couple of days off this week so I'm very excited about that! :)
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