Fast forward to a couple of months ago, when we found out from our friend Jane Lui that she is starring in the role of Penny in a San Diego live production of Dr. Horrible. How cool is that?! Todd has known Jane since 2002, when we saw Jason and Jane sing and perform at our local Borders bookstore on a Friday night. She is part of a group of San Diego singer/songwriters who have inspired Todd to play in bands again and perform and tour with several rock bands in the last few years. So we got tickets to Dr. Horrible right away, because this was a "can't miss"!
We went to the show on Sunday (7/24) at 8:00 PM. It was the last day of a whirlwind four days of the world-famous Comic-Con in San Diego. All the fan-boys and fan-girls and cosplayers decended upon the San Diego Convention Center, all 150,000 of them! You may recall that we went with Peppermint and Tom to Comic-Con in 2009, where the infamous Giant Live Sized Tomato Todd Shot occurred.
Upon arriving at the show early, we saw Jane right away and got to chat with her. She told us that Zack Whedon, one of the writers of Dr. Horrible and brother of Joss Whedon, was in attendance at the Friday night show!
Show banner outside the theater.

Todd with Jane

Me and Jane

We also ran into another one of Todd's musician friends, Lindsay Yung, and her friend Marvin. We ended up sitting with them in the theater. The show was fantastic! I super-loved the small stage and intimate theater, not a bad seat in the house! I loved the lighting and the singing and the live musicians, and the cool shadow-play in the background. The three lead singers were really strong and phenomenal! There was no cameras allowed in the show, so I don't have any in-show photos. The show in San Diego ends July 30th, so if you're in San Diego, get tickets and go watch it!
Articles related to the San Diego live production of Dr. Horrible:
Official blog
SignOnSanDiego: Alterna-Con: "Dr. Horrible's" hits the stage
San Diego Magazine: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog LIVE!
About This Project

New52 is a project started by Peppermint and I to encourage each other and others around us to try something new every week in 2011. The "new" each week doesn't have to be something big. It could be something as simple as ordering a new dish instead of old standbys at your favorite restaurant. It's simply opening your heart up to NEW possibilities.
Don't worry if you're late getting started on joining in. It's totally OK if you miss a week here or there. We encourage everyone to keep an open mind about trying something new. This is a life project, and a photography/blog and even scrap challenge if you wish. If you participate this week, please leave a link to your blog post in the link list below. You can also post images to our New 52 Flickr Group! We would love to see what you were inspired to do.
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