Monday | July 25, 2011

Yea. I only took four photos. They're a mix of my point-and-shoot camera and my Blackberry. I think I'm going to take more Instagram photos with my iPod Touch. That way instead of having a bunch of large resolution photos of my desk and cubicle, they'll be little small photos, which I think totally works with Week In The Life. The interesting thing to me wasn't my photos from Monday. I'm using Ali Edwards' free PDF download Daily Sheet to document Week In The Life, and that's where I've noticed that I've written down interesting things in my daily schedule, and what I ate, and some cool observations and gratitudes.
We'll see how this week goes! I will still have my regularly scheduled blog posts this week, so the WITL posts will just be extra and most likely happen last thing at night or first thing in the morning.
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