I Am Happiest When:
- My plans become reality
- I've accomplished what I set out to do
- My family and friends are healthy and happy
- I'm not worrying about something I can't control
- I'm not stressed out
- I'm with Todd
- I don't feel obligated or resentful
- I help someone and they appreciate it
- I'm eating good food
- I can fit into my regular pants and not my fat pants (yes I know it's contradictory to the one above)
- I'm creating in my craft studio
- I'm living in the present and appreciating my life
- My plans are aligned with God's plans for me
- I'm productive
- I'm organized
- I'm having spontaneous fun
- I go on a run and feel like I can run forever
- I'm not over-extended
- I'm healthy
- I'm not extra-hard on myself and accept my own shortcomings
- I'm not extra-hard on others and accept their shortcomings
Well that seemed like a long list! Some of them seem contradictory, but we're all human and being contradictory is part of being human.
I definitely agree that letting go of stress and being accepting of yourself/others is a big part of being happy. I'm with you on being organized too. There's a calmness that comes with the organizing.
ReplyDeleteI created my list for today as well: http://taliafrench.tumblr.com/post/9717381769/30-days-of-lists-day-2-i-am-happiest-when
I like your list. This list for today seems easy at first but once you sit and think about it all kinds of thoughts run thru your mind. I think your list makes some good points. Can't wait to see that smash book.Happy weekend
ReplyDeletelike your "being happy" list!
ReplyDeleteLucky you having so many points of happiness