When you find a great hair stylist, you never want to let him/her go. I had a great one in Dayton, Ohio. But then we moved at the end of 1999 to San Diego. I asked around at work and was introduced to a stylist named Kristin, who was at a salon 10 minutes from work. She was pretty good and I liked her. But then she moved to a salon very far away. So Todd asked the ladies at his work and one of them recommended this guy named Jay at a Supercuts near our house. Jay had been working at a higher-end salon, but the hours were not flexible and he had started going to college to pursue a degree, so he opted to cut hair at Supercuts for less pay per hour but a more flexible schedule. Both Todd and I LOVED Jay. Jay’s precision cuts were awesome. Jay trimmed, cut, layered, and texturized like nobody’s business. We followed Jay to another salon in the same neighborhood. But eventually in 2008, Jay finished his undergrad degree, married the guy of his dreams, moved to the suburbs, and started graduate school. He quit cutting hair at salons. It was so sad. Todd and I walked around with long and shaggy hair because we didn’t know what else to do. Todd started going to a Supercuts near his work, a stylist named Nikki. So I went as well. She wasn’t that good. She wasn’t precise. She cut my hair in 20 minutes. She didn’t take the time to layer small sections of hair. She would grab a handful of hair and start layering. It wasn’t ugly, but it wasn’t what I was used to.
The last time Nikki cut my hair was in late April, and that was the last straw. I sort of felt like my hair was just hacked. The layers were so uneven that I took some scissors and trimmed my own hair afterwards. I was not happy. In June, in desperation, I asked my local friends on Facebook for recommendations. My friend Cass suggested Laura at Dearinger Salon. Cass said some magic words like “precision”, “never had a bad haircut from her”, “no one compares”, etc. That same day, another friend chimed in on Facebook and said that there was a Groupon for that salon, $40 for $100 of hair services. What a coincidence! I took it as a sign and bought the Groupon. I had to let my hair grow for a couple more months though, because the last time I got a cut, well, it was HACKED.
So finally yesterday, I had my first appointment with Laura. I had pinned this hair style on Pinterest because I thought I could pull off something similar.
So I printed it out and brought the picture with me. She said we could do something similar but my hair texture is different so I’ll need to use a curling iron to get the curls. (I think the model used a curling iron too though.)
Laura spent over an hour on my hair. I could see the concentration on her face. She was so precise and cut every little hair exactly. She took a lot of time layering my hair, then texturizing it with the end of the scissors. My previous stylist Nikki didn’t know what texturizing was. Then she blew dry my hair all smooth and flat, which I always think is weird. I guess because my hair is pretty straight already, I never style it all straight and flat. I like some volume and body. But whatever, I came home and re-styled it myself.
Not as pretty as the picture I brought, but definitely a good haircut with more layers. Todd said this is my best haircut since Jay! I’m definitely happy with my new hair! :)
About This Project

New52 is a project started by Peppermint and I to encourage each other and others around us to try something new every week in 2011. The "new" each week doesn't have to be something big. It could be something as simple as ordering a new dish instead of old standbys at your favorite restaurant. It's simply opening your heart up to NEW possibilities.
Don't worry if you're late getting started on joining in. It's totally OK if you miss a week here or there. We encourage everyone to keep an open mind about trying something new. This is a life project, and a photography/blog and even scrap challenge if you wish. If you participate this week, please leave a link to your blog post in the comments of this post.
Your new haircut looks great !!!
ReplyDeleteI always feel that a new haircut has to become "your own" when you come back from the stylist it always seem a little weird because they do style it differently than you would do. I always need a week or two to convince my hair to do what I want it to do.
I like it. Looks very flattering on you!
ReplyDeleteAre you sure your over 40?? Because I'm thinking not. SUPER GREAT hair! I love it!!
ReplyDeleteBut, I've never seen a picture of you and thought, "man, she really needs to find a new stylist".
Btw..the story of Jay made me laugh and spit coffee on my computer. Didn't see that one coming. ;)
Wowser ... #wolf-whistle# ... soooooo pretty Christine ... gorgeous layering / volume!!!
ReplyDeleteI love your new cut!
ReplyDeleteChristine, the new cut is beautiful! I think your smile adds even more to it!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about finding the right stylist. My stylist of a LONG time when I was in Michigan moved to another state after I’d been with her over 10 years, and followed her to a new salon twice. Yes, it was a trauma to say “goodbye!” I tried a few different stylists in Michigan and then when I moved to Ohio before I finally found Jamie, my stylist now. It’s a half hour drive through some busy traffic to get to the salon, but she is SO worth it!
Oh girls, your comments always make me smile and feel a kinship. Thanks so much for the kind words. Finding the right hair stylist is definitely challenging. I hope Laura is the one! It is a 35 minute drive though, and I had to leave work early to go. But I don't mind doing it every 2-3 months if she really is "the one"!
ReplyDeleteI love the new do but I can tell you a trick that the model did that you didn't which would make a huge difference. With her part, she actually didn't part it completely down the middle. You start that way but then take little bits of hair and drag them across the part in order to keep the part but obscure the scalp. Then you style it. It is a little thing that makes a huge difference.
ReplyDeleteI love the cut on you though
OMGosh!!!! I love it, Christine!!!!! It looks so good!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm at that point too - had someone I loved, but it's just not working out to get it done there lately. It had been a year (!!!) and I had it cut in VT when we were there. To me it's a "get the scraggy ends off" cut - not a "real" hairdo. It's ready again now - esp. since the temps are (finally) dropping! You've inspired me to try for next week!!!!
I really like the new 'do!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous hair cut! :) I love it. I can relate to the difficulty in finding a good stylist. The one I've been going to started out ok, but is always so distracted, that the last time, I thought, that's it... no more. Looks terrific!!