Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Giveaway | Handmade Holiday Crafting Kit

Over the last few weeks I’ve been busy crafting away in my craft studio.  I made a VERY limited number of handmade holiday papercrafting kit.  I thought I would give one of these holiday papercrafting kits away for my 1,000 blog posts celebration!  Well, the 1,000th blog post actually happened a few weeks ago, but that’s okay, we can still celebrate now!  :D This...
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New 52 | Week 48: New Pollywog

Some of you may be saying to yourself… what the heck is a Pollywog?  Well, technically, it’s a tadpole.  But this week’s “new” thing is that I am a new Pollywog at The Lilypad!  I got a message during Thanksgiving weekend from Kelly, one of the owners at The Lilypad.  She asked if I would want to help out with the blog at The Lilypad and join the Pollywog team there. ...
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Thursday, November 24, 2011

New 52 | Week 47: Thanksgiving Edition

I got to spend four days last week celebrating an early Thanksgiving at my sister’s NEW house in Texas.  (That’s the *new* part of the New 52 this week.:)  My sister and brother-in-law and my nephews moved into the house in May.  So a few months ago my dad suggested that we celebrate Thanksgiving at my sister’s new house.  So we basically invited ourselves there, ha ha! ...
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New 52 | Week 46: Operation Christmas Child

A few weeks ago I saw this video at church and it touched me deeply. Operation Christmas Child is a program started by Samaritan’s Purse, a non-profit organization headed by Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son, to bring Christmas gifts and the good news of the Gospel to kids in 130 countries.  When I saw this video, it brought tears to my eyes.  I wanted to bring joy and Good News...
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Famous Feline, Gilbert’s Birthday, and Sneak Preview

How’s that for a blog post title?  :D A few days ago I received the long-awaited 2012 Calendars from the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA.  Why were they long-awaited?  Because… a certain feline in our household named Noodle won a spot in the calendar based on the Humane Society photo contest!  They notified me a couple of months ago and told me that Noodle is Mr....
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Crafting | Anatomy of a Holiday Card

I had mentioned on Facebook this past week that I was working on some handmade holiday cards.  A couple of my friends wanted to see what I was making, so I thought I would blog about my holiday card process. For the past few years we’ve made our own photo cards using digital scrapbooking supplies.  I would create the card in Photoshop and then I would send it to some place like Shutterfly...
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