Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Famous Feline, Gilbert’s Birthday, and Sneak Preview

How’s that for a blog post title?  :D

A few days ago I received the long-awaited 2012 Calendars from the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA.  Why were they long-awaited?  Because…
a certain feline in our household named Noodle won a spot in the calendar based on the Humane Society photo contest!  They notified me a couple of months ago and told me that Noodle is Mr. September pet pinup!  I was so excited at the news. :)  Famous Feline Noodle wanted to thank Christi and Carolee for voting for him by autographing his page and sending them a copy of the calendar. He says sorry about the messy paw prints but he wasn’t used to having weird ink on his paw.  If you would like a calendar for yourself, which helps out the Humane Society as well, you can order one here for $12.93, which includes shipping and taxes! 

On Sunday afternoon, we got to go on an outing with our good friends Anne & Gilbert.  It was to celebrate Gilbert’s birthday and Anne surprised him by taking him to the Mysterious Galaxy bookstore.  We had never been there before, but had heard of it.  It is an independent bookstore in San Diego specializing in mystery, sci-fi, and fantasy books.  This is right up Todd’s alley, as well as Gilbert’s, obviously.  Todd actually recently blogged about the NPR Top 100 Science Fiction/Fantasy books List, and how many of those books he’s read. 
Todd introduced Gilbert to a new author, while Gilbert enabled Todd into buying two new books.  It was really fun to hang out at an independent bookstore!

After the bookstore, we headed to North Park, because Gilbert loves pizza and we decided that he had to try Café Calabria’s awesome Neopolitan pizzas in their authentic Italian wood-fire oven.  First time we went, we didn’t get a very good photo of the oven.  This time, much better!

This time I got a prosciutto mushroom pizza and it was fantastic as well.  Haven’t had a bad pizza there yet! 
Gilbert liked his pizza so much that he said he could eat another one if they put it in front of him, hee hee!  So happy to introduce friends to awesome pizza.

Last but not least, I have a sneak preview to show you of something I’ve been working on.  It may have something to do with a new Etsy shop.  It may have something to do with my long-overdue 1,000th blog post celebration giveaway.  It is handmade by me.  It is very limited edition (because I just can’t work full time and make that many of these in my spare time).  And this sneak preview is a small snippet of what’s included in the full deal.  What do you think?  And if you’re my Facebook friend, you may have seen a bigger peek at this something new.  :)


  1. Are you making embellishment sets for etsy? If so then I'll be in line for some!

  2. Oh, wow - congrats Noodle, superstar kitty!

    And your Christmas stuff looks gorgeous, such a talented lady. I'm doing Dec Daily this year, going to attempt hybrid, expecting to glue my fingers together or something though :)

  3. Congrats to Noodle, Mr. September

    Very nice Christmas stuff and it’s only 9:30 AM here, we just ate hot breakfast and that pizza still made drool!

  4. Oh my, I hope Noodle will still want to hang out with us little people now. I can see why he was chosen for the calendar - he's too adorable to miss.


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