Last Friday night (5/4) was the launch party of the Everyday Storyteller book, of which I’m one of 33 contributors.
I came home from work, then spent the next couple of hours chatting with over 500 scrapbookers at the online launch party. It was really awesome. While I was chatting away, Noodle climbed up on Todd and the two of them stayed near me.
On Saturday 5/5 it was National Scrapbooking Day. I forgot to tell Todd, so he got us tickets for the 10:20am showing of the “Avengers” movie.
This was totally fine with me, because I had been looking forward to this movie for a long time. I have seen both Ironman movies, and Thor, and Captain America. Marvel Studios has done a great job planning ahead by introducing these characters in each of their own movies. I’ve loved all of them, so I had high expectations of The Avengers.
Even with my high expectations, the movie was better than I had imagined it would be! It was just really incredible, both action scenes and character development. It’s exactly what a superhero movie should be. LOVED it.
After the movie, we grabbed a quick bite at Panera. I’m still trying to cut back on carbs, so I had an Asian chicken salad.
After Panera, we went running at the lake. I ran 5 miles and felt pretty good.
It was really hot so after running, we went over to get some shave ice from Wahini Kai. Todd got a pink lemonade shave ice with vanilla ice cream and azuki beans in the middle. I had a few bites. :p
I came home and it was dinner time and I hadn’t scrapbooked at all on National Scrapbooking Day. But my order from Two Peas came on NSD and I was a happy camper.
I got some AC Amy Tangerine Sketchbook, some Studio Calico, and some Echo Park Note To Self.
On Sunday (5/6) I got a lot of stuff done. Backed up my blog and stuff from my Momento app. Uploaded and processed a ton of photos. Picked out photos for Project Life weeks 17 and 18. Vacuumed the whole house (take me an hour). Paid bills. We watched the new Sherlock Holmes on Masterpiece Theater on PBS and it was so awesome! Todd had watched the first season last year by himself. Now I want to go back and watch those as well.
I caught a few funny photos of Noodle on Sunday, while we were playing with his mice.
The caption on this one was “Is there a pink mouse on me? I'm a ferocious hunter.”
Wow what an action packed weekend! Season one of Sherlock Holmes is fantastic! Totally worth going back to watch.