Sunday, June 3, 2012

Craft & Cat

And a couple of running photos thrown in.

Third and last everyday life update today. 

I’m slightly (definitely) obsessed with all things camera.  I bought these cute little camera stamps from Plaid Barn and they arrived a couple of weeks ago. I’m excited to use them in my Project Life later today…

I won a $10 GC from Jetpens for submitting a photo of my pens that they liked and are using on their blog.  So what did I do?  I bought more pens!  It’s truly an addiction.  But one that has lasted since grade-school!

I don’t know why, but when I print out photos for my Project Life album, I love to see them all together before I cut them apart to put into my album.


Another strange fascination is my craft table surface.  It gets messy when I’m doing projects.  I usually take a photo of it afterwards, you know, after the tornado has touched down onto my workspace.  I usually post these to Instagram and other crafters seem to be just as much fascinated with crafty workspaces as much as I am!  This one from 5/21.

This one on 5/28.

We went running at Miramar Lake last weekend.  I don’t get tired of this view.

Or this view.  Noodle sleeping on my desk while I’m on the computer in the office.

He also likes to be on Todd’s lap when Todd plays Diablo.


Occasionally, there’s a confluence of crafting and the cat. Noodle likes to hang out on the smaller craft table by the window.  He said he likes the pink and peach papers from the Studio Calico kit. They go well with his grayness.

I found these paper tapes in the children’s art section at Target.  They were $6.99 for 9 tapes!  They’re made of paper and are not semi-transparent and thin like real washi tape, but at this price I’m not complaining!

I got the new John Mayer CD on Wednesday.  It actually is really good.  I heard the NPR Music interview with him and was fascinated by it.  He has been rumored to be a jerk in recent years, but I’ve never stopped liking his music.  I can separate the music from the man.  But in this interview he seemed to have matured a bit.
Oh and who still buys CD’s?  Apparently I do.

I made a birthday card for Todd’s dad.  It was super easy to make.  Clean and simple and masculine. 

I added a few rows to the chevron afghan on Friday night, while watching TV. It was awesome and relaxing.

We went running at Mission Bay yesterday after visiting Sally.  It was cloudy over there.  But I still liked this little island.

And still grateful to run in this environment.

Noodle napping on his perch yesterday.  I LOVE it when he sleeps like this, all curled up and on his side.  I call it “sideways sleeping” and he’s just so cute!

And yesterday my Hambly order showed up.  In case you didn’t know, Hambly is winding down operations and closing up.  So no more awesome Hambly clear overlays.  I stocked up.


  1. So sad about Hambly. They were my number 1 favorite!

  2. Funny, my blog reader pulled up a bunch of your updates as I sit here on East Mission Bay Drive. My husband finished the marathon w/o having to board the sag wagon so he figures it was a successful marathon considering he did absolutely no training. We have been enjoying your fascinating city, safari park, zoo, and Legoland. We are going to sea world tomorrow. I hope my husband can walk tomorrow. I wish I could make it to scrap tales but I don't think we can fit that in. I'll be happy just to make it to trader joes.

  3. Love all your updates, pictures and goodies. YOu've been so busy and still make time to eat well, exercise and visit with friends. That's what life is all about right?

    Noodle is a cutie! My Roman likes to be on the craft table when I'm scrapping. It's a challenge but most times I enjoy his company.


  4. What kind of paper do you print your photos on? Thanks

  5. @weaselwatchr - I print all my photos on Canon Photo Paper Plus Glossy II, in both 4x6 and 8.5x11. I have a Canon printer and the ink works perfectly with their photo papers. Absolutely love printing at home vs getting them developed elsewhere.


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