Monday, October 1, 2012

Todd at Dreamforce

The week before last week, Todd went to San Francisco for Dreamforce. It was his 5th year attending Dreamforce.  This year he got to present his project!  In the past I had flown up to join him, but my work schedule was too busy to do that this time. 

Todd at the Ferry Building, with the Bay Bridge in the background.

One of the coolest things about Todd’s trip is that he got to attend a private Barenaked Ladies concert!  In a small intimate venue!  I’ve already mentioned before that BNL is one of our favorite bands.  We saw them at the end of July already.  Todd got to see them again in SF!

Todd got way better close-up photos this time around, since the venue was much smaller.  Here’s Ed Robertson.

Kevin Hearn

Tyler Stewart



Jim Creeggan on the right.

A couple of Todd’s coworkers also attending the conference.

More BNL photos, since Todd was able to capture a bunch!



Here’s Todd presenting in front of an audience inside Developer Theater.
photo 2_600

His topic?  Extend your data into other clouds with the Play framwork on Heroku. 
He worked on the project and presentation very hard for quite a few weeks leading up to Dreamforce.  I’m so proud of him!

Hey, is this where all the programming geeks hang out?

Todd got to eat at the restaurant inside Macy’s, where a famous chef make gourmet hamburgers.

He also got to see the long lines that formed in front of the Apple Store in San Francisco, on the day of the iPhone 5 release.

And he got to hang out with his coworkers.

I wish I could have gone to SF as well.  I know Noodle and I were both very glad when Todd came home!


  1. AWWW!!! That's so cool!!! I love how you guys always manage to take photos and documents all the amazing milestones and events in each other's lives and are so supportive and encouraging of one another's. LOVE it!!!

  2. Dreamforce was so cool! Its a shame I didn't get to see him or Maria

  3. This is wonderful how you've captured the event highlights. It was my first year attending the exciting event.

  4. Looks like fun! And I'm sure he had the best presentation there.

  5. I'm a little behind in reading your blog, and this is my first time leaving a comment, but I just wanted to share in the love of BNL after reading about them on your blog previously and then seeing these pictures too! They are one of my (and my husband's) favorite bands! I've been a fan since the mid-90's when my brother wanted somebody to go to one of their concerts with (I had never heard of them before). I've lost count on how many concerts we've been to and we've even done the four Ships and Dip cruises with them that they've had the past few years. Thanks for blogging, I truly enjoy reading it and love looking at all your pictures. We were in San Diego for one day a couple of weeks ago when we were on a Disney cruise, and we got to spend some time at the zoo, but it wasn't enough time. I hope to get back to San Diego soon. I'd love to see some of the places you share pictures of. So, thank you, again. I look forward to reading more!


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