Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Write Click Scrapbook | March Sneak Peek

I can’t believe it’s the 20th of the month again. Time for the Write.Click.Scrapbook. March gallery sneak peek!


Can you guess what the March gallery is all about? You get three guesses. If you guess right, you get… the pride of guessing it right! :D

Here are some more sneak peeks from some of my Write.Click.Scrapbook. teammates:

Amy Coose
Katie Ehmann
Aliza Deutsch
Valerie O'Neall
Lisa Ottosson
Amy Sorensen


  1. I would have to go with "love letters" or maybe just "letters" :)

    Very cute sneak, I can't wait to see the whole layout!!

  2. I adore this peek, can't wait to see more!

  3. Those Potty people are very popular. I like it.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from you!

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