Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cooking | Penne with Asparagus, Basil, and Balsamic Glaze

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a cooking post here, so I thought I would share what we made for dinner tonight! 


Recipe:  Campanelli with Asparagus, Basil, and Balsamic Glaze

I received a comment on my blog from blog reader Natalie.  Natalie has commented on my blog before, and I have clicked over to her blog to check out her posts.  On Friday she happened to post about this recipe and I knew that Todd and I had to try it out!  Natalie is a fan of America’s Test Kitchen, as are we.  Everything we’ve cooked from ATK has been awesome!

The only thing we did different from the recipe is the pasta.  We didn’t have any campanelli, so we just used our favorite penne.  (De Cecco is America’s Test Kitchen’s favorite dry penne.)  This dish tasted amazing!  The balsamic glaze really made it tangy and yummy. 

I’ll end this post with some good news.  Todd has agreed to guest blog once per month or so here at  It will be an ongoing series called “Tales From Todd’s Kitchen”.  :)


  1. Thanks for the shout-out! I'm so glad that you liked the recipe. I think the balsamic glaze was my favorite part. Now I'm trying to think of other dishes to put it on ;-)

    I'm looking forward to Todd's guest posts. Food and scrapbooking: makes for awesome blog fodder :)


  2. Mmmm.......I know what we're having for dinner!! Thanks for sharing!!


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