Monday, April 22, 2013

New Permanent Pages at

I’ve been working on my permanent/static pages at, so that topics of interest are easy to find and in one place.  You won’t be able to see these pages if you are reading my blog in a RSS reader such as Google Reader or Feedly.  But if you click over to my site, you will see some tabs right below my blog header.



The “About Me” page isn’t new, but if you’ve never seen it, you can read it to get to know me a little better.  :-) 



I’ve revised my Project Life tab to contain thumbnails and links to everything I’ve ever blogged about Project Life!  This includes all my Project Life pages.


AND all my posts on Project Life organization, philosophy, and tutorials.


Click on the “My Project Life Pages” tab below my blog header to see it all! 



I get questions from family, friends, and blog readers all the time about visiting San Diego and what to do, see, and eat here.  So I’ve finally compiled a “San Diego Favorites” permanent page on my blog.  The top has two lists.  One called “Sights To See”, and one called “Places To Eat”.  Below that are thumbnail links to my blog posts about each San Diego favorite.


So if you’re planning to visit San Diego, you can click on the “San Diego Favorites” tab on my site and see everything I love about San Diego!

I am planning on more permanent pages on my site in the future.  I will make sure to point them out to you so you can click over and see them.  :)


  1. Christine, the recap pages look so good. The Project Life section is full of so much goodness. And I will be using the San Diego section on my next visit there. Thanks.

  2. Love it. Thanks for taking the time to set this up. I know I will be using the San Diego places/eats for next time we visit.

  3. Christine, thanks! How helpful would this be!!! It will be so much easier to find PL inspiration and travel planning to SD. My daughter loves Legoland so I'm sure we'll be back.

  4. These look great! I've been doing this for awhile now on my blog but it takes forever to get them up to date + I feel like there is always so much more I could add! I can't wait to browse through yours and see what I've missed :)

  5. Love this Christine. You're my go-to-girl for all things San Diego! And I love your project life layouts.

  6. Somehow I managed to miss your "About" page until now! I really enjoyed reading more about you (hope that doesn't sound weird, haha). That's so cool that your ATK recipe pics/posts were featured on their site! Awesome :)
    What a lot of work you put into making such nice permanent pages. If I ever make it to the West Coast, I will definitely be making use of your San Diego recommendations-- especially the food ;-) (eating is my favorite hobby, haha)

    1. Eating is my favorite hobby too! That's why I have to also make exercising one of my favorite hobbies, ha ha!


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