Sunday, December 15, 2013

Booking Binding Workshop @ Pigment

I signed up for Urban Craft Camp’s Book Binding Workshop on Nov. 9th as soon as I saw it on Instagram.  I had so much fun at their String Art Workshop that I knew I wanted to attend the book binding workshop.   The workshop was held at an awesome independent store in North Park called Pigment.  The class was led by Marcie of RedStar Ink, and hosted by Ana of We Love Citrus and Jen of My Three Sons Design.

Stuff I made at the book binding workshop.

First, the store.  Pigment was full of eye candy and awesome décor.  The way the products were displayed was just delicious!

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When you walked into the store, they have many succulent and air plants on display for sale.
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And these hanging orbs with plants in them are so cool!
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There were many alcoves, each decorated impeccably. 
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I loved this reindeer wall decoration for the holidays!
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And these hanging lanterns.
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Class was held at these long tables with chairs.  There were lots of attendees!
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Marcie going over some of the book binding techniques.
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Each table had some tools set up that we shared.
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And there was lots of snacks & drinks!
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I made this folding little book of cocktail recipes from a printed sheet.
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Simple stitched binding notebook.
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Japanese stitch binding.
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Stitched binding a calendar planner.
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I had a lot of fun at the workshop.  And I definitely will be back to check out the Pigment store some more!

After I got home, I checked out what was inside the goodie bag, full of sponsored giveaways, goods, and coupons.  Bag made by Maggie Waller of Type & Title.  I actually sat next to her at the workshop!

And check out all the goodies inside the bag from sponsors!

So much goodness.


It was a great local craft event put on by Urban Craft Camp!  I would definitely attend another workshop again.  It felt great to be surrounded by so many crafty small-business women who have craft shops or Etsy shops.  I loved the skills I learned and all the goodies in my bag!  If you’re in the San Diego area, definitely check out Urban Craft Camp workshops.  Maybe I’ll see you at the next one!


  1. Wow, what a cute shop! The class looks amazing, wish I am lucky enough to try them out myself.

  2. Oooh, another place I need to check out! Thanks as always for posting about your adventures!

  3. I want to live at that store! Looks like so much fun. I {heart} bookmaking.

  4. oooh, that looks like such a cool opportunity. (and an amazing store... and the snacks!!) I'd love to take some classes like this. Someday soon, I hope! I think that learning some of these skills in a class setting (rather than, say, on YouTube) would cement them in my mind much better :) So what are you going to make with your new skills?? ;-) I'm sure it'll be awesome!
    ~Natalie (QSOgirl)


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