Sunday, November 23, 2014

DT Announcement | Evalicious


I’m so excited to announce that I’m back on the Evalicious design team for another term!  I was on the team from Jan to June last year and really enjoyed creating with Evalicious goodies so much!  You can see all my previous (as well as future) projects made with Evalicious products on my blog here.  You can go to the Evalicious blog to see the announcement and see the rest of the team! 

I’ll be making my first project soon, and I’ll also have a giveaway in early-mid December that will blow your socks off!  It will be open to everyone including internationals.  Be on the lookout for the giveaway on my blog near Dec. 10th!  :-)


  1. Congratulations, that's really awesome. You are so talented. Michelle t

  2. Congratulations! It's a perfect match. ;)

  3. Congratulations! I remember how good of a combination you and Evalicious were before-- it's going to be awesome!



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