Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Evalicious | So Happy Together + Giveaway!

 Updated with winner!  I used to pick a winner.

The winner is Katy!  Katy please email your mailing address to me at listgirldesigns (at) gmail (dot) com to claim your prize!  Congrats!

Hi Everyone!  I’m up on the Evalicious blog today with a layout.  I always love creating with Evalicious goodies, so I’m very excited to share my first “back to the Evalicious DT” project with you!  :-)

On Thanksgiving Day, we got to go to the beach because it was an unusually warm day at 82F degrees.  We decided to take some impromptu photos with the photobooth app on my iPhone.


I added some acrylic paint along the borders of my paper strips and photo mat to add some interest.  I love how the puffy sticker, badge buttons, tags, and stamps create some varied textures surrounding my photo.



The wood veneers (new!) also add some cool texture to the page.  I added some journaling with a Uniball Signo white pen and drew some hearts surrounding my journaling.  It is most definitely my favorite write pen to write with!



I hope you enjoyed taking a look at my Evalicious project!  Have a fantastic day!

Evalicious products used:

photo shoot puffy stickers v1

photo shoot puffy stickers v2

photo shoot snipsnip page tabs

photo shoot clear stamp set

photo shoot badge buttons v2

photo shoot wood veneer

photo shoot large tags

photo shoot round tags

daily life clear stamp set

Now for something exciting! I’m giving away an Evalicious prize pack of everything you see here.

20141109-2014-11-09 11.24.35_blog

There are several packs of puffy stickers, a couple of snipsnip tags/tabs, and wood veneer.  Please leave a comment here on my blog to be entered to win.  Giveaway is open to internationals as well!  Comments close on Sunday Dec. 14th at 9pm PST and I’ll pick a winner at that time.  You must check back to see if you’ve won.  If you don’t claim your prize within five days, another winner will be picked.  Good luck!


  1. Oh I just LOVE this page and I love love love your style!! I would also LOVE to win this amazing prize. I am in hospital with a broken ankle and spend all day searching the web for inspiring and fun layouts to 'scrap lift' for when I get home and back into the swing of scrapping. Thanks for the chance to win - Courtney from Brisbane, Australia

  2. We had a warm Thanksgiving weekend here in MD-- and on Monday it got up to the 70s! It was fabulous. However, I am still jealous that you got to spend your Thanksgiving at the beach-- it sounds wonderful. This is such a fun layout to celebrate those great photos!

  3. Love your layout! I really like how you added the hearts with the signo pen so cute!

  4. Love the layout, especially all the little touches you added!!!!

  5. Love reading your blog, seeing your foodie adventures, and crafty creations. Winning an Evalicious prize is too to bad either. Love those puffy stickers.

  6. I have that app but have never used it...LOVE this page and gonna have to break out the phone and see if I can recreate! Thanks for the inspiration and the change to win!

  7. I have yet to try printing any of my photo booth pics. Love this layout, Christine! Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. Oh please pick me :)
    I love Your layout!

  9. I really like your layout and hope to get confident enough to do all that neat background stuff! I could really benefit from the gift package....Merry Christmas!

  10. wonderful layout.. thank you for a chance at your giveway.. Rona send me to your blog.

  11. By far one of the best giveaways EVER. Be still my heart....PUFFY stickers. OMGoodness. I really like the use of the bold heart PP you used and all the details splattered about. I am trying to get back to using Kraft and White cardstock and I like the look of the Kraft on your layout. Thanks for the chance to win such a fabulous set of product.

  12. Awesome layout and such a generous prize. Thamks for the chance to win.

  13. Beautiful layout and an amazing prize!! Thanks for inspiration!!

  14. Oh my your LO is beautiful, a little jealous you can go the beach (something we can't do at home for another 6+ months) - luv photo booth FUN!! Thank you for the chance at your prize pack

  15. What a beautiful layout! I love the kraft background - everything just pops! Those wood veneers and puffy stickers are awesome! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  16. Your layout is beautiful and the giveaway is incredible! Thanks for the opportunity! Rona said you had an awesome grouping that you were giving away and she was right!

  17. Fabulous layout...I love everything about it! Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win some wonderful goodies!

  18. You and Evalicious are a natural pairing. Thanks for your continued inspiration...and also all of the awesome tech/products reviews that you do for us ;)

  19. This must be the best giveaway I've seen a good while!

  20. What a gorgeous layout! And thanks for the giveaway. I would love to have it!

  21. those veneers!!! I love them

    (brittany seydel )

  22. I love your layout! What a great giveaway!! Thank you!

  23. Oh my! Love! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  24. Always love your inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win!

  25. Great layout, fun and clever. I like how the photo strips came out. Great embellishments too. Evalicious has a lot of great stuff. Thanks very much for a chance to win. It's a very generous giveaway. Michelle t

  26. What a great layout! And thanks for the chance to win! Fun stuff!

  27. What a difference adding the white paint behind the photo makes. Something I've never tried yet, but definitely on my try it out list!
    Thanks for the chance.

  28. Gotta try the photo strip idea! Love it!

  29. I love your layout it looks so like so much fun is going on. Thanks for the chance to win. Merry Christmas.

  30. that is a beautiful layout! i saw it on instagram first and already in love! thank you for tha chance to win some Evalicious goodness! *fingers crossed*

  31. Oh wow, those Evalicious embellishments are so totally my style! Fantastic layout Christine!

  32. This is a beautiful layout with some gorgeous details! I love following along with your Instagram account too!

  33. Lovin the prize package...thanks for the opportunity to enter

  34. Always love your creations!

  35. Love your work and fun style! Evalicious keeps amazing with their new products! I need more!!! 😍
