Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What We’ve Cooked Lately

I thought it was time to round-up some of the dishes that we’ve been cooking lately.  A few months ago, I took over the weekly meal planning and grocery shopping duties.  Todd still does the majority of the actual cooking at the stove, but I plan, shop, and prep the meals before he comes home from work.  I may do a blog post about the tools and my method of weekly meal planning, if...
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Sunday, November 17, 2019

October 2019 Favorites

A little late in summarizing a very busy traveling October.  In the beginning of the month, we traveled to Vancouver, British Columbia for vacation, with a one-day stop in Seattle.We visited the Pike Place Public Market in Seattle.And visited our friend Cassi in Bellingham, WA.We visited the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, and went on a Forbidden Vancouver tour.We biked around the seawall of...
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Friday, November 15, 2019

$100 Fun Things Budget | October 2019

November has sort of gotten away from me.  In the blink of the eye it’s mid-November already.  I’ve had things going on that I will tell you about in a month or so, maybe two. Nothing to be alarmed about, but it has kept me busy.It’s time for the belated October 2019 edition of the “$100 Fun Things Budget”!  The below are the items I purchased using my $100 Fun Things Budget. ...
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